Aquaglide Axis Rocker
Users love rocking back and forth on the seesaw-like Axis while trying to keep opponents off balance. The perfect piece for small groups of up to four users, the Axis is especially suitable for younger users thanks to a low-profile design and moderate water depth requirements. Includes an integrated boarding system.
Une balançoire pour l'eau. Peut contenir jusqu'à 4 utilisateurs. Convient pour piscine ou utilisation en bord de l’eau, idéalement adapté aux besoins des utilisateurs les plus jeunes. Marches d'embarquement et sièges en forme de selle.
Aquaglide Bendback Corner
Perfectly angled for maximum G-forces, the Bendback is a bermed corner designed to work with any Aquaglide Aquapark Series or Pool Challenge Track configuration. Users can make a run for it by hitting this angled corner at speed when transferring to other features. The Bendback connects to any Aquapark configuration using the integrated D-ring Interloc System on both ends.
Aquaglide Blast Bag
The Blast Bag uses the powerful force of air to blast friends, relatives, and guests skyward, then down for a splash landing. An integrated wedge helps focus the blast force for massive thrills and adds stability for boarding. The Blast Bag attaches to all Aquaglide Rebound models and Jungle Series play stations using our Vario-Lock cinch strap system.
Se fixe à tous les Supertramps™, Rebounds™ et stations de jeux Jungle Series™.
Aquaglide Catapult
The Catapult sends users swinging or launching themselves over the water. The Catapult presents a more approachable trapeze-style swinging experience than its larger counterpart, the Skyrocket. An integrated swim platform and molded climbing steps on the inside and outside make it easy to board from the water and climb onto the swing position. Use the Catapult as a standalone feature or connect to any Aquaglide Aquapark configuration using the D-Ring Interloc system.
Cette balançoire gonflable surdimensionnée offre des heures d’amusement pour les adultes et les enfants! Extrêmement durable.
Aquaglide Cyclone Wheel and Enclosure
NEW LOOK! The new and revised Cyclone Wheel design allows for quicker wheel speed and increased fun for all. Our unique mesh design allows the wheel to act as a super soaker by helping to cool you off as the wheel rotates. The Cyclone's inner tubes help with rotation while the free floating feature allows for ultimate spinning and the inner straps help to keep the wheel from blowing away. It can be used as a stand-alone item, or can be connected to any aqua park using the 5 D-Ring Interloc system on all 4 sides combined with our secure Vario-Lock cinch strap system.
NEW Cyclone Enclosure! Improved access also keeps your Cyclone Wheel in check and secure without decreasing playability All new and redesigned, the Cyclone Enclosure features (6) entry and exit ports for guest to easily access, while containing the Cyclone Wheel during use.
Cette roue de hamster pour les humains offre une séance d’entraînement pendant que vous êtes dans l’eau. Les côtés de maille permettent à l’eau de circuler dans la roue qui vous offre du refroidissement.
Aquaglide Delta 10
The Delta 10 features a horizontal ladder-style balancing challenge that includes two interior splash zones that serve as a natural gathering place in hot weather. Connect the Delta 10 to other Aquaglide Aquapark features using the integrated secure D-Ring Interloc system.
Le DELTA présente un défi de type échelle horizontale avec 2 splash zones. Ce défi d'équilibrage excitant sert également de lieu pour se rafraichir! Le DELTA se connecte des deux côtés avec le système Interloc facile à utiliser.
Aquaglide Event Tent
The Event Tent provides ample shade and lounge space for Aquapark users, lifeguards, and staff. Rugged Duratex construction with a heavy-duty tent shade stands up to the elements and connects on eight sides using Vario straps. Use as a stand-alone feature or combine with the Landing Pad 4M to fit into any Aquaglide Aquapark layout as a universal hub. Multiple stainless D-rings provide secure anchor points in high winds or attach the Event Tent to a Landing Pad for a floating shaded oasis.
Aquaglide Freefall 6
The Freefall 6 is an exhilarating zero-entry slide that enables multiple users at once that can be connected to other Aquaglide Aquapark features using the D-Ring Interloc system, or use as a standalone feature by adding a Swimstep, or from a pool edge with a Freefall 6 Landing Pad. When combined with a Swimstep or Landing Pad, installation possibilities for the Freefall 6 become endless.
Avec un escalier de 6’ de haut et une glissade en plus, le Freefall offre du plaisir pour tous âges. Le Freefall 6’ peut être installé comme item autonome, ou attaché a votre système Aquapark. SwimStep en option.
Aquaglide Freefall Extreme
Designed to pack excitement into an easily manageable package, the Freefall Extreme features a 10-foot high zero-entry slide that enables multiple users at once and a sizeable cave splash zone below the slide for playing, bouncing, and resting. The Freefall Extreme can be used as a standalone focal point feature or connected to other Aquaglide Aquapark features using the D-Ring Interloc system.
Possède un mur d’escalade dix pieds de haut, une glissade et une zone avec un planché maillé pour jouer ou se détendre. Tiens jusqu’à huit personnes. SwimStep en option.
Aquaglide Freefall Supreme TR
As one of the most popular pieces in the Aquaglide commercial line, the Freefall Supreme creates a visual spectacle. At over 16 feet high, the Freefall Supreme features a zero-entry slide that enables multiple users at once, two climbing lines, and a sizeable interior play structure for bouncing, climbing, swinging, and hanging out. This updated version sports a new graphic with Tritex CX3 on the climbing walls for improved traction. The “TR” stands for Trickler Ready, which means this version includes an integrated Trickler Pocket for optional irrigation of the slide surface. Use Freefall Supreme as a standalone focal point or connect it to other Aquaglide Aquapark features using the D-Ring Interloc system. *Note: Freefall Supreme Trickler Hose Kit sold separately.
Le Freefall™ Supreme incorpore une échelle d'escalade qui conduit à une glissade formidable. Garde de sécurité de maille offre beaucoup d'ombre tout en permettant une bonne visibilité pour les sauveteurs. L'espace intérieur comprend une zone d’amusement plus une espace pour jouer et se reposer. Ajouter des accessoires Platinum ™ sur trois côtés en utilisant le système Interloc ™. Il peut accueillir jusqu'à douze utilisateurs à la fois. SwimStep en option.
Aquaglide Jungle Jim
The Jungle Jim is a stable pyramid structure that features multiple options for climbing, sliding, jumping, and more. The climbing walls on this feature angle inward for convenience and stability, while an interior splash zone with soaker mesh floor provides secondary play options and a place to rest. Use the Jungle Jim as a standalone focal point, or connect it to other Aquaglide Aquapark features using the D-Ring Interloc system.
Une station de jeu multifonctionnelle. Le Jungle Jim est une pyramide stable qui offre l’escalade, glissade, le barbotage et plus. L'angle de murs vers l'intérieur offre la commodité et la stabilité tandis que le plancher en maille crée des zones d'éclaboussement intérieures. Il peut être utilisé comme un article autonome, ou peut être connecté à n'importe quel Aquapark l'utilisation du 5 D-anneau Interlock sur tous les 4 côtés combinés avec notre système de courroie. SwimStep en option.
Aquaglide Jungle Joe 2 TR
Versatility is the name of the game with the Jungle Joe feature. The pyramidal walls provide a safe—yet formidable—climbing challenge for users of all ages. With multi-level terraces for exploration, zero-entry slide, and an engaging interior splash zone with soaker mesh floor, the Jungle Joe 2 has a little bit of everything. This updated version sports a new graphic with Tritex CX3 on the climbing walls for improved traction. The “TR” stands for Trickler Ready, which means this version includes an integrated Trickler Pocket for optional irrigation of the slide surface. Use the Jungle Joe 2 as a standalone focal point or connect it to other Aquaglide Aquapark features using the D-Ring Interloc system. *Note: Jungle Joe Trickler Hose Kit sold separately.
Une incroyable structure d’escalade avec une grande glissade. Ajouter jusqu’à trois accessoire Platinum™ à l’aide du système Interloc™. Peut accueillir jusqu’à 10 personnes.
Aquaglide Kaos Bouncy Platform
With its unique inflatable dome, the Kaos provides a flexible space for users of all ages to climb, bounce, slide, splash, or lounge, and makes a great alternative to a conventional trampoline. Use the Kaos as a standalone feature, or connect it to other Aquaglide Aquapark features on all eight sides using the D-Ring Interloc system.
Le Kaos dispose d’un dôme gonflable unique.
Aquaglide Kickback Corner
The Kickback is a ladder-bridge corner that brings a unique challenge to any Ring or Circuit layout. While nicely bermed for cornering at speed, the Kickback requires extra care and strategy to navigate successfully. The Kickback connects on both ends to Ring or Circuit Series layouts using the integrated D-Ring Interloc system combined with our secure Vario-Lock cinch strap system.
Aquaglide King of the Mountain Set
The king of all mountains.
King of the Mountain is a challenging structure with climbing walls located on multiple sides. Users can race to the top of the semi-pyramidal structure using handholds or rope, then jump or descend using the attached slide. The King of the Mountain can be used as a standalone feature or connected to other Aquaglide Aquapark features on three sides using the D-Ring Interloc system.
Conçu avec une glissade et plusieurs supports d'escalade, les utilisateurs peuvent monter de près de 7 pieds. Ils peuvent sauter et glisser. Il peut être utilisé comme un objet autonome ou peut être connecté à un Aquapark en utilisant le système Interloc 5 D-Ring sur les 3 côtés combinés avec notre système de sangle de sécurité Vario-Lock sécurisé.
Aquaglide Monkey Dome 20
The Monkey Dome is a fun feature that challenges users to swing or climb their way across without falling. However, unlike monkey bars on land, the Monkey Dome is much more forgiving because when a user falls, they land in the water. The Monkey Dome’s sides also provide a way to transfer to other Aquapark features by providing two Neptune-style structures where users hold on and balance from beam to beam as they traverse the structure. With three options to cross, the Monkey Dome can be used as a standalone feature or connected to other Aquaglide Aquapark features using the D-Ring Interloc system.
Le Monkey Dome offre la meilleure façon de vous mettre au défi ainsi que vos amis de traverser sans tomber dans l’eau.
Aquaglide Neptune 20
The Neptune is named after the god of water and pushes users to traverse to the feature as fast as they can. Users race themselves or other opponents to see who’s fastest by using their arms to hold and balance from beam to beam. The Neptune works as a standalone feature or with any Aquaglide Aquapark configuration connected using the D-Ring Interloc system.
Nommé d’après le dieu populaire de l’eau et la mer, cette structure amusante vous poussera à traverser de l’autre côté aussi vite que vous le pouvez.
Aquaglide Parkway 10 | 20
The Parkway provides a fun and challenging undulating surface for users to attempt to run, walk, or slide across on their stomachs. Like a bicycle pump track design, the Parkway makes transferring to other aquapark features an exciting and slippery challenge. Connect the Parkway to any Aquaglide Aquapark configuration on all four sides using the integrated D-Ring Interloc system. The Parkway is available in three sizes, the Parkway 30, the Parkway 20, and the Parkway 10.
Aquaglide Rebound 20 Bouncer
The eight-sided design of the Rebound 20 offers excellent trampoline-like bounce that is easier to set-up and maintain compared to trampolines with metal frames and springs. Made of RF welded Duratex and #316 stainless steel welded ring plates, this product comes complete with a Swimstep access platform and heavy duty molded boarding and transport handles. The Rebound 20 is an excellent alternative to a trampoline. The Rebound 20 Aquapark includes an i-Log and Plunge slide for a complete aquapark experience.
La trampoline gonflable Rebound octogonal d'Aquaglide offre un excellent rebond et est plus facile à installer et à entretenir que ceux avec ressorts. Fait de Duratex. Comprend la plate-forme SwimStep™ et des poignées moulées pour l’embarquement et le transport.
Aquaglide Rockit
One of our most popular product families, the versatile, circular Rockit water rocker offers various stations to accommodate users of all sizes and ages to work together as a team or individually. With two sizes available (the larger Rockit and our smaller Rockit Jr.), the Rockit Series provides endless opportunities to balance, rock, and roll.
Un des produits les plus populaires d’Aquaglide, cette balançoire circulaire offres une variété de positions pour les utilisateurs de tous âges et grandeurs. Vous pouvez travailler en équipe ou seul pour secouer le Rockit. Disponible en deux grandeurs amusantes! Voir le Rockit Jr.
Aquaglide Rockit Junior
One of our most popular product families, the versatile, circular Rockit water rocker offers various stations to accommodate users of all sizes and ages to work together as a team or individually. With two sizes available (the larger Rockit and our smaller Rockit Jr.), the Rockit Series provides endless opportunities to balance, rock, and roll.
Rockit JR est une balançoire plus petite pour les eaux peu profondes pour 1 - 4 utilisateurs. Parfaitement adapté pour les plus jeunes. Un des produits les plus populaires d’Aquaglide, cette balançoire circulaire offres une variété de positions.
Aquaglide Sierra 10
The Sierra 10 feature presents an exciting challenge that allows users to climb, balance, slide, or jump from the exterior structure, or play and rest on the two interior mesh floor splash zones. For those who choose to hang out in the interior splash zones, mesh floors provide a cool place for up to four users to rest, relax, or play. Connect the Sierra 10 to other Aquaglide Aquapark features using the integrated secure D-Ring Interloc system.
Aquaglide Sky Rocket
The Skyrocket provides an exciting way for users to swing or launch themselves over the water. With an integrated swim platform and lounging area inside, the Skyrocket is a massive swing that launches users into a new dimension of water play for hours of high-flying fun. Climbing handles on the inside and outside make it easy to board from the water and climb onto the swing position. The Skyrocket works as a standalone feature or with any Aquaglide Aquapark configuration connected using the D-Ring Interloc system.
Aquaglide Splashmat™
The Splashmat was designed for higher traffic Aquaparks and Aquaparks installed in extreme climates or closer to the equator. Produced with class-leading 10 cm Double-layer drop-stitch construction, the Splashmat inspires continuous, creative free-play where users can walk, run, slip, slide, leap-frog, and cartwheel down this stable platform. Use as a standalone item or connect to any Aquaglide Aquapark using the integrated D-ring Interloc System.
Un tapis gonflé flexible et glissant pour des heures de plaisir! Flottant seule ou en attachement avec un autre produit Aquaglide. Fait avec du matériel PVC commercial et une garantie de 3 ans.
Aquaglide Summit Express TR
Summit Express is an Aquaglide classic featuring a challenging, stepped climbing wall, a zero-entry slide and a sizeable cave below the slide for playing, bouncing, swinging, and resting. This new version features an updated graphic and Tritex CX3 on the climbing wall for improved traction. The “TR” stands for Trickler Ready, which means this version includes an integrated Trickler Pocket for optional irrigation of the slide surface. The Summit Express can be used as a standalone focal point feature or connected to other Aquaglide Aquapark features using the D-Ring Interloc system. *Note: Summit Express Trickler Hose Kit sold separately.
Notre plus grand élément d’aquapark, le majestueux Summit™. Les accessoires Platinum™ se connecte à trois stations à l’aide du système Interloc™. Peut accueillir jusqu’à douze personnes en même temps.
Aquaglide Supertramp 17™
The Supertramp 17 provides an outstanding jumping, bouncing, and launching platform supported by a heavy-duty galvanized steel frame and robust springs. Use the Supertramp 17 trampoline as a standalone item, or connect to any Aquaglide Aquapark layout configuration using the integrated D-ring Interloc System. The Supertramp is not only a trampoline; it’s a floating centerpiece for users to soar above the water.
Add the Blast Bag and Plunge Slide to make it an Aquapark!
Trampoline gonflable. Un plus grand rebond que la ligne Rebound. Extra robuste avec ressorts. Comprend la plate-forme SwimStep™. Fait de Duratex. Garantie de 3 ans pour usage récréatif, 1 an pour utilisation commercial. Conçu pour une performance supérieure et des années de service sans problèmes.
Aquaglide Supertramp 23
The Supertramp 23 provides an outstanding jumping, bouncing, and launching platform supported by a heavy-duty galvanized steel frame and robust springs. Use the Supertramp 23 trampoline as a standalone item, or connect to any Aquaglide Aquapark layout configuration using the integrated D-ring Interloc System. The Supertramp is not only a trampoline; it’s a floating centerpiece for users to soar above the water.
Add a Blast Bag and Plunge Slide to make it an Aquapark!
Trampoline gonflable. Un plus grand rebond que la ligne Rebound. Extra robuste avec ressorts. Comprend la plate-forme SwimStep™. Fait de Duratex. Garantie de 3 ans pour usage récréatif, 1 an pour utilisation commercial. Conçu pour une performance supérieure et des années de service sans problèmes.
Aquaglide Tango
One of the most versatile pieces in the Aquaglide Aquapark range, the Tango is a bounce platform that works inline, as a corner, or as an X-junction between two perpendicular tracks. It can connect on all four sides using our secure and easy-to-use D-ring Interloc System end.
Aquaglide Thunderdome
The Thunderdome is a massive, versatile arena structure that can quickly become the centerpiece of any Aquaglide Aquapark. With 32 climbing handles, the Thunderdome can be used as an arena as well as a climbing mountain, and features eight radiused slides, nine mesh crow’s nest seats, and an interior lower splash zone. The Thunderdome can be used as a standalone feature or connected to other Aquaglide Aquapark features on all eight sides using the D-Ring Interloc system.
Ce dôme gonflable unique offrira des heures de plaisir lorsque vous grimpez, sauter et glissez!
Aquaglide Universal Thunderdome
The Universal Thunderdome is an octagon-shaped structure that’s a smaller version of the popular Thunderdome. Offering multiple angles and unlimited Aquapark configuration possibilities, the Universal Thunderdome can be used as a hub, a corner, or anything in between. Park layouts can be changed easily and quickly and allow your aquapark to evolve. Add new and exciting components or Speedway and Swimstep connections on all eight sides using the integrated D-ring Interloc System and secure Vario-Lock cinch straps.
Cette structure en forme d’octogone est une plus petiteversion de notre Thunderdome très populaire. Nos connexions Speedway et SwimStep se connecte à tous les 8 côtés à la fois offrant de multiples angles et des possibilités illimitées pour la conception Aquapark.
Aquaglide Vertical Mooring Line
Our heavy-duty Vertical Mooring Line has a 3,000 lb. (1360kg) break strength and includes a heavy-duty bungee, one-foot mooring rope, line float, and #316 stainless steel quick links and snap hooks. Add optional 1-foot or 5-foot rope extensions to reach desired water depth—no knots required.
Aquaglide Vista 10
The Vista 10 provides countless ways to traverse this challenging structure: climb over the high roads or explore the inner passages, or for those who choose to linger, an interior splash zone with mesh floors provides a cool place for up to four users to rest, relax, or play. The Vista 10 connects to other Aquaglide Aquapark features using the secure D-Ring Interloc system.
Aquaglide Walk on Water
The Walk on Water is designed for higher traffic Aquaparks and those installed in extreme climates or closer to the Equator. Featuring our class-leading 10 cm Double-layer drop-stitch construction, the Walk on Water is an exciting alternative to the Speedway 20. It is a fun and challenging way to connect Aquapark features. Use as a standalone item or connect to any Aquaglide Aquapark using the integrated D-ring Interloc System.
En combinant les besoins de compétences d’équilibre sur l’eau, cette plateforme de connexion vous invite à vous rendre de l’autre côté sans tomber dans l’eau!
Aquaglide Zulu
The Zulu slide features a five-foot-high ladder-style climbing wall and an exhilarating zero-entry slide that makes it an exciting end to any challenge course. The Zulu can accommodate two participants and connect on one side using the Aquaglide D-ring Interloc System with Vario-lock straps. When combined with a Swimstep or Landing Pad, installation possibilities for the Zulu slide are endless.
RAVE Nautilus
The endless combinations of creative play, endurance training,and just plain fun will have your campers coming back again and again. Spending an afternoon on the Nautilus climbing, sliding and jumping will grow confidence and independence, solidify new friendships, build character, and reward achievement. These are important life-long skills that campers will learn at camp and will use the rest of their lives!
Les combinaisons infinies de jeu créatif, d’entraînement d’endurance et beaucoup de plaisir qui plairont à vos campeurs qui reviendront encore et encore.
RAVE Power Tower
This one does it all: climb, jump & slide. You can also add a Power Launch or Climbing Wall for added fun! Watch the video below to see it in action.
Celui-ci fait tout: Grimper, sauter et glisser. Du plaisir garantie! Visioner le vidéo si-dessous pour le voir en action.